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It is a re-meeting story of two old friends from Antsiranana high school of Madagascar after so long separating times. The one had been a travel agent from a famous private tourism office in Antananarivo town. And the other was just a great Mercantile Store manager in the mean old town, The two school-mates , being sons of state employees, have traveled extensively and lived, by long time in the provinces with their own parents, by the fact of these incessant assignments incurred by administrative staff . They eventually get a taste of traveling. Currently, Madagascar travel requires a rather thick budget for most of the Malagasy people. The two friends have thought ways to sustain these adventures. They eventually adapt the function of tour operator (rather than being a simple traveler one) as their loom. They agreed to unite themselves their interests, strengths and knowledge to start this common business:


[receiving Tour Operator]

Why did we choose that name as the logo described as the isle circled of palma leaves? Because this kind and unique tree is named as the MadagascarTraveler’s Tree(the so called ravinala). Any water lack at the remote country could be solved the everyone’s thirsty with the water-sap contained into the trunk of this tree. And when we say, read or write Mada Aiza. That only means : Aiza= where location;Mada= Madagascar. The whole words gives: Where is located Madagascar? This medium is the center of Madagascar(where is sited the capital: Antananarivo). These scattered leaves are the image branching tours throughout the Island , and even across the world ( the Indian Ocean sisters Islands,the Africa, the Europa , the Asia, the Americas, the Australia ) .

An opening for those who want to cooperate and work in terms of the world tourism development. There, MADA AIZA is ready to lend you a hand in promoting tourism and in projecting an attractive image of Madagascar in the world.




[acc_item title=”WHAT WE DO ?”]

We inform you and help you organize your stay in Malagasy land to enable you to discover the tourist attractions of the country. We will answer all questions related to your stay and will send you free of charge, the tourist destination of your stay

[acc_item title=”WHEN DO YOU CALL US?”]

Before choosing your destination `’ Madagascar’ ‘, an appetite of discovery, let us give you some surprising premium taste which Madagascar reserves to you. We will make you discover an ideal destination for varied holidays: circuits, visits (classic), diving, auto- tours…
To prepare your stay, this Internet site will enable you to organize it: touristic documentation of Madagascar discovery…

:: Do not hesitate to contact us for all the councils:about the sites, the stay.
MADA AIZA is attentive to answer your questions.
Contact us :
email : contact@madaaiza.com for the request for touristic information.
You can also ensure yourselves if your question were not already put by consulting the questions forum.

:: You can contact us too directly :
Tel. : (261) 20 22 525 45
GSM : (261) 33 11 706 39 / (261) 32 40 118 84

:: Or by mail :

MADA AIZA (Tour Operator-Receptif)
II E 34 Z J B Ambohidahy Ankadindramamy
Antananarivo (101) Madagascar

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